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EU-Africa Collaborations for a Clean and Just Energy Transition workshop

2024-07-08T09:30:20+01:00July 8th, 2024|PI Spotlight, presentation, Project News, public dissemination|

Join FlowPhotoChem and associates for a formative, final interactive workshop, "EU-Africa Collaborations for a Clean and Just Energy Transition" on September 10th and 11th, 2024. This is a free hybrid event. The agenda is taking shape and we have an impressive line-up of confirmed speakers thus far, including: Dr Nicholas Mukisa; Representative of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Uganda Davide Bixio; Programme Manager, Energy and Green Economy  Dr Philippe Schild; Renewable Energy Unit for Research & Innovation, European Commission Léonard Lévêque, LEAP-RE Coordinator Dr Stefano Barberis; Bluenergy Revolution Prof. Charles Spillane; Ryan Institute, University of Galway Dr Justus Masa, FlowPhotoChem [...]

FlowPhotoChem at SUNER-C stakeholders meeting in Ghent

2024-07-02T15:52:07+01:00July 2nd, 2024|PI Spotlight, presentation, Project News, public dissemination|

The SUNER-C workshop "Towards an Innovation Ecosystem for Solar Fuels and Chemicals in Europe," held on July 2nd and 3rd, 2024 in Ghent, Belgium began with an opening lecture by Max Fleischer, one of FlowPhotoChem's scientific advisors. FlowPhotoChem Coordinator Dr Pau Farràs is on the roster for Day One to present our project. The objectives of the SUNER-C workshop were to: Identify & discuss industry priorities, needs & potential contributions to value chains of solar fuels and chemicals in Europe; Key desired outcome: propose business models for the SUNER-C target area of solar fuels and chemicals, stemming from techno-economic considerations; Develop/consolidate the community and innovation [...]

EPFL's Professor Haussener is winner of the 2024 Yellott Award

2024-05-10T11:11:09+01:00May 10th, 2024|PI Spotlight, presentation, Project News|

Congratulations to FlowPhotoChem PI Professor Sophia Haussener of the Laboratory of Renewable Energy Science and Engineering at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)- the 2024 winner of the Yellott Award. The Yellott Award is presented by the Solar Energy Division (SED) to an outstanding individual who has contributed significantly to the organization of the Solar Energy Division-sponsored symposia, has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, has a reputation for performing high-quality research, has made significant contributions to solar engineering through education, state or federal service, or in the private sector. At the American Society of Mechanical Engineers' (ASME) [...]

Matthew Mayer, HZB presents FPC research at EcatalytiX symposium

2024-05-20T16:44:53+01:00April 20th, 2024|PI Spotlight, presentation, Project News, public dissemination|

Dr Matthew Mayer During the 2024 EcatalytiX Symposium, Dr Matthew Mayer of the Helmhotz-Zentrum Berlin delivered a talk titled- An operando zero-gap MEA cell for combined spectroscopy, diffraction, and imaging, applied to the study of ion effects in CO2 electrolysis on April 5th. The EcatalytiX symposium in Strasbourg, France aimed to examine the current and future techniques, based on X-rays or electron beams, to observe these reactions under conditions as close as possible to operation. This symposium served as an opportunity to meet beamline scientists, microscopists and electrochemists alike, discovering state-of-the-art operando approaches and how the future of the [...]

Dr Stojadinovic presents FPC research at 16th IEA Task 30 Electrolysis Workshop, Milan

2024-03-13T09:57:43+00:00March 13th, 2024|PI Spotlight, presentation, Project News, public dissemination|

Dr Jelena Stojadinovic MEMBRASENZ CEO and Founder Dr Jelena Stojadinovic will deliver an invited talk at the 16th IEA Task 30 Electrolysis Workshop. The three-day meeting will be held on the 3rd – 5th of April 2024 in Milan and Turin, and hosted by F2N Green Hydrogen at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Energy. The title of Jelena's presentation is “Membranes in Alkaline and AEM Electrolyzers for Production of Green Hydrogen and Chemicals”.  

SUNERGY webinar features FlowPhotoChem, our partners and their research

2024-01-16T09:57:54+00:00January 15th, 2024|PI Spotlight, presentation, Project News, public dissemination|

On January 18th, 2023 from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, SUNERGY will host an online webinar titled: Recent advances on photoelectrochemical water splitting. Coordinator Dr Pau Farràs, University of Galway, will present the FlowPhotoChem project alongside FPC partners Nuría López from ICIQ, Sophia Haussener at EPFL, and others. Overview: The combustion of fossil fuels has significantly contributed to environmental pollution and a substantial increase in atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases. This phenomenon has played a major role in escalating global warming and climate change, adversely impacting ecosystems worldwide. In this sense, one of the primary objectives of the European Union is to [...]

Uganda Society of Professional Chemists receive a progress update of FlowPhotoChem

2023-10-04T10:38:51+01:00September 29th, 2023|PI Spotlight, presentation, Project News|

Kyambogo University PI Justus Masa will present FlowPhotoChem at the upcoming Chem Discussion 2023 online meeting hosted by the Uganda Society of Professional Chemists. Dr Justus Masa’s core research focuses on electrocatalysis and energy conversion, especially the rational design of advanced low-cost catalysts and electrode materials for electrochemical energy systems. This insightful webinar titled "Synthesis and Characterisation of iron-nitrogen co-doped catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in fuel cells" will occur on October 14th, 8:00 PM EAT (6 PM in Dublin). Here, Mr. Olado Simon Peter and Dr Justus Masa will discuss iron-nitrogen co-doped catalysts for fuel cells. Meeting link: Or dial: (UG) [...]

Interview with FlowPhotoChem Coordinator Dr Pau Farràs

2023-09-08T11:43:27+01:00March 14th, 2023|PI Spotlight, Project News, University News|

Dr Pau Farràs, University of Galway FlowPhotoChem Coordinator Dr Pau Farràs based at the University of Galway in Ireland took some time to respond to questions about his research interests, the photoelectrochemistry field and the role his group ChemLight ( plays within the FlowPhotoChem project. How and when did you first become interested in photoelectrochemistry?  I have been interested in renewable energy since I finished my undergraduate studies. I did my Erasmus project at DTU (Denmark) on hydrogen storage materials and since then, hydrogen has been on my radar. Then, I learnt about solar energy conversion technologies such as photoelectrochemistry, [...]

“This is the ultimate technology for eternity since it is 100 per cent green and recyclable,” says Dr Justus Masa

2023-09-08T12:58:23+01:00January 12th, 2023|PI Spotlight, Project News, public dissemination|

FlowPhotoChem was cited as an example of research developing “the ultimate technology for eternity since it is 100 per cent green and recyclable,” according to our PI Dr Justus Masa, based at Kyambogo University in Kampala, Uganda. Dr Masa was interviewed on January 9th, 2023 by Deep Earth after a run of speaking engagements dedicated to energy reform late in 2022. Justus makes a case for more government support for new technologies at the local level and greater opportunities for participation in research and education. Read the entire interview here. Deep Earth International critically examines developments in the extractive and energy [...]

Prof. García Gómez, ITQ presents FPC-related research at INAM 2022 Symposium

2023-09-08T13:03:17+01:00December 1st, 2022|PI Spotlight, presentation, Project News|

At the November 7th, 2022 Institute of Advanced Materials (INAM) Symposium, Prof. Hermenegildo García Gómez, FlowPhotoChem PI at the Institute of Chemical Technology at the Technical University of Valencia delivered the keynote lecture, "Photocatalysis for the production of solar fuels. How far are we?" The meeting will occur at the Salón de Actos de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la UJI in Castelló. The INAM Annual Symposium is a multidisciplinary meeting with top-rank keynote speakers and networking sessions with the members of the Institute of Advanced Materials and other visiting scientists.

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