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Congratulations, Dr Siddharth Gupta, HZB!

2024-09-30T16:15:25+01:00September 30th, 2024|presentation, Project News, public dissemination|

At the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, early-stage researcher Siddarth Gupta defended his thesis titled: Electrochemical CO/CO2 conversion: Impact of the catalytic micro-environment on 29 August 2024. All of us at FlowPhotoChem wish Dr Sid Gupta the very best in his future career as an electrochemical engineer!

FlowPhotoChem Innovations video filmed at DLR in 2024

2024-09-10T16:47:22+01:00September 10th, 2024|Project News, public dissemination|

Our last face-to-face meeting in May 2024 was more than a plenary meeting. We shot a final film to showcase the integrated, modular FlowPhotoChem system in action. Our video is ready to view and share. This short film was screened for the first time today, September 10th, 2024 in Kampala, Uganda at the FlowPhotoChem final Exploitation Workshop. Special thanks to Christian Siegel at DLR for the collaboration. Watch it here:

FlowPhotoChem researchers present results at EuChemS Chemistry Congress, Dublin

2024-07-12T10:09:34+01:00July 12th, 2024|presentation, Project News, public dissemination|

University of Galway researchers attended and presented FlowPhotoChem results at the 9th EuChemS chemistry conference in Dublin from the 7th to the 11th of July, 2024. Dr Wenming Tong gave a talk titled "Fabrication and Characterization of Cu Ion incorporated α-FeOOH/α-Fe2O3 Heterostructures" on July 8th. On July 11th, PhD candidate Hanka Besic delivered an oral presentation titled "Control over the Morphologies and the Chemical Compositions of Co3O4 for the Acidic Oxygen Evolution Reaction." Approximately 50 people attended each talk and a Q & A session followed each talk. University of Galway Master student, Danica Skoric presented a poster, "Visible light photodegradation [...]

EU-Africa Collaborations for a Clean and Just Energy Transition workshop

2024-07-08T09:30:20+01:00July 8th, 2024|PI Spotlight, presentation, Project News, public dissemination|

Join FlowPhotoChem and associates for a formative, final interactive workshop, "EU-Africa Collaborations for a Clean and Just Energy Transition" on September 10th and 11th, 2024. This is a free hybrid event. The agenda is taking shape and we have an impressive line-up of confirmed speakers thus far, including: Dr Nicholas Mukisa; Representative of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Uganda Davide Bixio; Programme Manager, Energy and Green Economy  Dr Philippe Schild; Renewable Energy Unit for Research & Innovation, European Commission Léonard Lévêque, LEAP-RE Coordinator Dr Stefano Barberis; Bluenergy Revolution Prof. Charles Spillane; Ryan Institute, University of Galway Dr Justus Masa, FlowPhotoChem [...]

FlowPhotoChem at SUNER-C stakeholders meeting in Ghent

2024-07-02T15:52:07+01:00July 2nd, 2024|PI Spotlight, presentation, Project News, public dissemination|

The SUNER-C workshop "Towards an Innovation Ecosystem for Solar Fuels and Chemicals in Europe," held on July 2nd and 3rd, 2024 in Ghent, Belgium began with an opening lecture by Max Fleischer, one of FlowPhotoChem's scientific advisors. FlowPhotoChem Coordinator Dr Pau Farràs is on the roster for Day One to present our project. The objectives of the SUNER-C workshop were to: Identify & discuss industry priorities, needs & potential contributions to value chains of solar fuels and chemicals in Europe; Key desired outcome: propose business models for the SUNER-C target area of solar fuels and chemicals, stemming from techno-economic considerations; Develop/consolidate the community and innovation [...]

Dr Wenming Tong, U of Galway and Prof. Haussener, EPFL present at SunCoChem Summer School

2024-07-10T11:45:58+01:00June 24th, 2024|presentation, Project News, public dissemination|

Dr Wenming Tong Prof. Sophia Haussener At the 4th Co2oling The Earth Summer School organised by the EU-funded research project SunCoChem under the title “Innovative hybrid technologies for CO2 conversion into added-value commercial products", University of Galway's Dr Wenming Tong will present results in a session titled "FlowPhotoChem: demonstration of a modular integrated system of reactors for solar ethylene production." In addition, Sophia Haussener, Associate Professor, EPFL will deliver a talk titled "Modelling approaches for electrochemical CO2 conversion." The online Summer School aims to present several sustainable chemistry approaches and innovations and discover techniques and methods to scale-up chemical solutions and [...]

FPC at University of Galway's Threesis 3 slides…  3 minutes…  3 judges…

2024-05-30T10:09:39+01:00May 28th, 2024|presentation, Project News, public dissemination, University News|

Hanka Besic, University of Galway PhD candidate Hanka Besic presented her FlowPhotoChem research in an abbreviated context titled "Sunlight, Air and Humble Materials" as part of the May 2024 Threesis. Threesis is a research communications training programme and competition at the University of Galway.  Threesis invites postgraduate research students (Masters, PhD, MD) at the University of Galway for a series of training sessions, competition heats and a Grand Finale. This presented an opportunity to meet colleagues, learn about different research happening all over the University and hone communication skills. Threesis training took place in April and participants shared the [...]

Matthew Mayer, HZB presents FPC research at EcatalytiX symposium

2024-05-20T16:44:53+01:00April 20th, 2024|PI Spotlight, presentation, Project News, public dissemination|

Dr Matthew Mayer During the 2024 EcatalytiX Symposium, Dr Matthew Mayer of the Helmhotz-Zentrum Berlin delivered a talk titled- An operando zero-gap MEA cell for combined spectroscopy, diffraction, and imaging, applied to the study of ion effects in CO2 electrolysis on April 5th. The EcatalytiX symposium in Strasbourg, France aimed to examine the current and future techniques, based on X-rays or electron beams, to observe these reactions under conditions as close as possible to operation. This symposium served as an opportunity to meet beamline scientists, microscopists and electrochemists alike, discovering state-of-the-art operando approaches and how the future of the [...]

Harnessing Renewables for a Sustainable Future: Exploring CCU, Power-to-X and Solar-to-X Innovations

2024-03-27T10:26:46+00:00March 27th, 2024|presentation, Project News, public dissemination|

FlowPhotoChem is co-organising a meeting with the European Innovation Council, imec, EuroTech Universities Alliance, and EU projects CATART (grant agreement no. 101046836),  CONDOR (grant agreement no. 101006839), and  EU SUNERGY initiative (grant agreement no. 101058481). The meeting, Harnessing Renewables for a Sustainable Future: Exploring CCU, Power-to-X and Solar-to-X Innovations will be held June 4th and 5th, 2024 in Genk, Belgium. This two-day event is organised around innovations providing fossil-free products for diverse sectors, such as renewable hydrogen, sustainable aviation fuels or green fertilizers. Making sustainable fuels, chemicals and materials solely from renewable energy, water and abundantly available resources is a promising [...]

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