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Bravo, Dr Tom Masson, PhD!

2024-10-22T13:38:06+01:00October 22nd, 2024|presentation, Project News, University News|

Prof. Timothy Noel and Dr Tom Masson University of Amsterdam's Tom Masson has 'brilliantly defended his PhD". Dr Tom Masson presented his research in a thesis titled 'Development of novel approaches toward energy efficient photochemistry in continuous flow' on 29 May 2024. After his defence, Tom started his new job at Symeres in Weert, NL. Congratulations from all of us on the FlowPhotoChem team!    

FPC at University of Galway's Threesis 3 slides…  3 minutes…  3 judges…

2024-05-30T10:09:39+01:00May 28th, 2024|presentation, Project News, public dissemination, University News|

Hanka Besic, University of Galway PhD candidate Hanka Besic presented her FlowPhotoChem research in an abbreviated context titled "Sunlight, Air and Humble Materials" as part of the May 2024 Threesis. Threesis is a research communications training programme and competition at the University of Galway.  Threesis invites postgraduate research students (Masters, PhD, MD) at the University of Galway for a series of training sessions, competition heats and a Grand Finale. This presented an opportunity to meet colleagues, learn about different research happening all over the University and hone communication skills. Threesis training took place in April and participants shared the [...]

U of Szeged publishes "Electrochemical carbon monoxide reduction at high current density: Cell configuration matters"

2024-05-08T09:43:49+01:00May 8th, 2024|Project News, Publication, University News|

Partners at the University of Szeged published yet another FlowPhotoChem-acknowledged journal article! The research paper titled, Electrochemical carbon monoxide reduction at high current density: Cell configuration matters, appeared in the Chemical Engineering Journal (Volume 490, 15 June 2024, 151698, DOI: online on April 26, 2024. Author researchers include Mohd Monis Ayyub, Attila Kormányos, Balázs Endrödi, and Csaba Janáky. Congratulations to the team in Hungary. Download the open-access paper here.  

FlowPhotoChem partners at the University of Amsterdam wrap up 2023 on a high note- another paper!

2024-01-04T09:47:41+00:00January 4th, 2024|Project News, public dissemination, Publication, University News|

FlowPhotoChem partners at the University of Amsterdam published again, finishing 2023 on a high note! Their paper titled- Multiphasic Continuous-Flow Reactors for Handling Gaseous Reagents in Organic Synthesis: Enhancing Efficiency and Safety in Chemical Processes appeared in Angewandte Chemie International Edition on December 14th, 2023. Congratulations to the team of Annechien A. H. Laporte, Tom M. Masson, Stefan D. A. Zondag, and Timothy Noël! Download the PDF here. Graphical Abstract Using highly reactive gases is appealing for efficient organic synthesis but leads to inherent safety and processing limitations. Embracing continuous-flow technologies helps mitigating those while improving the performance of the systems. Tailored catalyst [...]

University of Amsterdam partners publish their latest article in ChemSusChem

2024-01-02T09:55:23+00:00January 2nd, 2024|Project News, public dissemination, Publication, University News|

Our partners at the University of Amsterdam finished off 2023 with a publication in ChemSusChem! Congratulations to all author-researchers- Jasper H. A. Schuurmans, Tom M. Masson, Stefan D. A. Zondag, Prof. Dr. Pascal Buskens, and Prof. Dr. Timothy Noël. The open-access journal article titled Solar-Driven Continuous CO2 Reduction to CO and CH4 using Heterogeneous Photothermal Catalysts: Recent Progress and Remaining Challenges appeared online on the 30th of November 2023. Graphic abstract Citation: J. H. A. Schuurmans, T. M. Masson, S. D. A. Zondag, P. Buskens, T. Noël, ChemSusChem 2023, e202301405.

U of Szeged publishes latest FPC research in Nanoscale

2023-11-27T13:58:20+00:00November 27th, 2023|Project News, Publication, University News|

Congratulations to our partners at the University of Szeged for their most recent FlowPhotoChem open-access paper. Researchers Andrea Serfőző, Gábor András Csík, Attila Kormányos, Ádám Balog, Csaba Janáky and Balázs Endrődi published research titled: One-step electrodeposition of binder-containing Cu nanocube catalyst layers for carbon dioxide reduction in the journal Nanoscale in September 2023. DOI: 10.1039/D3NR03834C, Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 16734. Download the PDF here. View our publications here and check us out on Zenodo too.

Latest FPC publication comes from colleagues at University of Galway

2023-09-08T10:58:16+01:00July 13th, 2023|Project News, Publication, University News|

Our partners at the University of Galway have announced their study titled "Exploring the role of different morphologies of β-Ni(OH)2 for electrocatalytic urea oxidation and the effects of electrochemically active surface area was published in Results in Chemistry on July 5th, 2023. Congratulations to all authors/researchers Maryam Toufani, Hanka Besic, Wenming Tong and FlowPhotoChem Coordinator Pau Farràs. DOI: Download the PDF here.  

Galway FlowPhotoChem research presented at International Conference on Materials Chemistry

2023-09-08T11:01:22+01:00July 6th, 2023|presentation, Project News, University News|

A poster depicting FlowPhotoChem research titled "Cobalt oxide for stable alkaline oxygen evolution reaction in an anion exchange membrane electrolyser cell" was presented by University of Galway early-stage researcher Hanka Besic at the 16th International Conference on materials chemistry (MC16). The meeting was held at the University College Dublin (Ireland) campus on July 3rd - 6th, 2023. Approximately 200 people visited Hanka's poster. Organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry, the 2023 hybrid conference hosts leading materials researchers from around the world. This is the flagship event for the RSC Materials Chemistry Community (previously Materials Chemistry Division). Learn more about Hanka's [...]

FlowPhotoChem meets at EPFL to share progress and plans

2023-09-08T11:04:00+01:00May 31st, 2023|Project News, University News|

The FlowPhotoChem team attended a project-wide plenary meeting in Lausanne on the 25th and 26th of May, 2023. Members of our Scientific and Exploitation Advisory Boards joined us to question and guide us further with our research. Special thanks to Dr Huyen Dinh, Dr Stafford Sheehan and Marc Lavine. We had a productive meeting as we enter an exciting phase of the project with our modular reactors starting to generate results and systems integration advancing. We were treated to an engaging tour of the labs and installations at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne (EPFL). Many thanks to Professor Sophia Haussener [...]

Congratulations to UvA researchers on the publication of their photochemistry scale-up review

2023-09-08T11:25:57+01:00March 16th, 2023|Project News, public dissemination, University News|

Congratulations to our partners at UvA! Last year, Prof. Timothy Noël, Daniele Mazzarella and Stefan Zondag of the University of Amsterdam were invited to write a chapter for Volume 14 of the Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. The given topic was photochemistry scale-up, and their published chapter is titled "Scale-Up of Photochemical Reactions: Transitioning from Lab Scale to Industrial Production." The literature review is now available online, as of March 13th, 2023, ahead of publication: Its final publication will be in June. Abstract: In the past two decades, we have witnessed a rapid emergence of new and powerful [...]

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