Our partners at the
Institute of Solar Research of the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) have been invited to attend and present at a w
orkshop on "Performance Modeling and Model-based diagnostics" within the POT Materials and Technologies for Energy Transition (MTET Topic 3) funding program. The workshop has been organised by the Helmholtz funding program MTET: Materials and Technologies for the Energy Transition. David Brust will present DLR's FlowPhotoChem research with a presentation entitled "Reactor modelling for ethylene production from CO₂ and water using concentrated sunlight". This body of work was co-authored by Dr Michael Wullenkord. The online workshop and presentation will take place on February 1st, 2022.
Within FlowPhotoChem, a system of modular flow reactors for the solar-driven production of ethylene (C₂H₄) from CO₂ and water will be developed and demonstrated experimentally. The production of green ethylene, an important raw material in plastics manufacturing (e.g. polyethylene), offers a pathway towards decarbonisation of the chemical industry which is a large contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.