Dr Jelena Stojadinovic

A presentation titled, "Membranes in electrochemical cells for production of green hydrogen and green chemicals" was facilitated by Jelena Stojadinovic, CEO and founder of Membrasenz at the Solar2Chem Marie Skłodowska Curie ITN workshop.  This was part of the ITN's 3-day training workshop hosted by EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland on May 22nd- 24th, 2023. See the workshop agenda here.

Jelena is an entrepreneur with competencies related to material engineering and technology, as well as management and marketing. She has particular expertise in the development and electrochemical characterization of advanced membrane materials for energy conversion systems.

The Solar2Chem Project (grant agreement No. 861151) is training 15 early-stage researchers to fill the existing gap in the European industrial landscape in solar chemicals production and usage in technical, economic and policy aspects. FlowPhotoChem partners at the University of Galway, Polytechnic University of Valencia, ICIQ, EPFL, the University of Szeged, Johnson-Matthey and Membrasenz are also involved in the Solar2Chem consortium.