The FlowPhotoChem team met for our third face-to-face meeting in Kampala, Uganda on the 2nd of November 2022. At the meeting, hosted by Kyambogo University, partners gave updates on their work developing the photoelectrochemical, electrochemical and photocatalytic flow reactors, which will be combined into an integrated demonstrator reactor for the production of ethylene. We also continued our life cycle analysis work.

To further our EU-Africa activities, the team hosted a 'Workshop on Innovations for a New Age of the Chemical Industry' on the 4th of November, led by our PI Dr Justus Masa of Kyambogo University. Approximately 80 people joined the hybrid meeting in person and online, with participants from a broad range of sectors and countries represented. Speakers included academic researchers and industry representatives, as well as the Hon. Dr Monica Musenero, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Office of the President as Chief Guest and Hon. Eng. Dr Irene Nafuna-Muloni gave the Keynote about 'Incentivising the Uptake of New Innovations to Accelerate Uganda’s Green Energy Transition'.


Watch the videos of the workshop here.