FlowPhotoChem banded together with related Horizon 2020 funded projects to avail of a European Commission service called the Horizon Results Booster (HRB). The Horizon Results Booster provides a portfolio of specialised services to maximise the impact of research and innovation's public investment. It aims to further amplify the added value of the Framework Programmes. It helps bring a continual stream of innovation to the market and beyond, and will help to speed up the journey toward creating an impact, providing support to remove bottlenecks.
Joining FlowPhotoChem in the cluster called GreENChem are projects: Solar2Chem, SunCO2Chem, DECADE, Ocean, RECODE, and SUNERGY.
To help develop the cluster's Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy, representatives from the six projects completed an online template describing their projects. Then, through the service, the responses in these templates were collated for overlapping aims, similar objectives and target audiences. As a group via teleconference, we reviewed Module A: Identification and creation of the portfolio of R&I project results with Veronica Meneghello. A final report was furnished to the group based on the HRB consultancy services. The report includes an executive summary, collective challenges, state-of-the-art analysis, field overview and the differentiators in the field, SWOT and stakeholders analyses, and a list of barriers to dissemination.
This work will set the groundwork for identifying areas where we can work together to increase the impact and visibility of our research!