An introductory session on technology roadmapping was presented by Johnson Matthey (JM) at our September project-wide virtual meeting. This spoke generally about what a roadmap is with some examples given from a range of industrial companies. It also highlighted some of the building blocks and tools behind generating a roadmap that can be used for new technologies, such as the flow reactors and their components being developed in FlowPhotoChem. This provided the partners with some pre-knowledge of what the process entails and during the discussion there were some initial ideas as to how a workshop might be best conducted with the consortium members, for the different reactor technologies.
The session was given in preparation for the actual roadmapping tasks in FlowPhotoChem that will start in 2022. These tasks will define the pathway for taking FlowPhotoChem technologies beyond the current project timeline (targeting TRL 5), towards the higher TRLs of demonstration and commercialisation.