Dr Matthew Mayer
During the 2024 EcatalytiX Symposium, Dr Matthew Mayer of the Helmhotz-Zentrum Berlin delivered a talk titled- An operando zero-gap MEA cell for combined spectroscopy, diffraction, and imaging, applied to the study of ion effects in CO2 electrolysis on April 5th.
The EcatalytiX symposium in Strasbourg, France aimed to examine the current and future techniques, based on X-rays or electron beams, to observe these reactions under conditions as close as possible to operation. This symposium served as an opportunity to meet beamline scientists, microscopists and electrochemists alike, discovering state-of-the-art operando approaches and how the future of the field is shaping up.
Read our interview with Dr Matthew Mayer, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin here.