Project Materials

FlowPhotoChem materials (brochures, newsletters, videos and other assets) are available here for download.
Please note that all materials are © the FlowPhotoChem consortium and that any re-use must retain both this attribution and also the acknowledgement of EU support.

Results & Achievements Brochures

EU Green Week Webinars

As part of EU Green Week 2022, on the 31st of May, FlowPhotoChem joined the SunCOChem hosted Webinar 'Towards the implementation of the EU Green Deal through the production of sustainable fuels and chemicals ' with six other EU-funded research projects. The event showcased the latest innovative solutions to combat climate change and eliminate the carbon footprint in the production of green chemicals, as well as contribute to the European Green Deal for a resource-efficient and climate-neutral Europe

The webinar is available for viewing here.

On 4th June 2021, as part of EU Green Week 2021, FlowPhotoChem joined the NUI Galway hosted Webinar 'Towards Zero Pollution in the Production of Green Fuels and Chemicals' alongside five other EU-funded research projects. Presentations were also made by representatives from the Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) and the SUNERGY intiative.

Recordings of all the presentations and slides are available here.

Promotional Materials

Project in a Nutshell

Download the slides here.

A3 Poster

A4 Brochure

Pop-up Banner

Project Overview

Download the diagram here.

Road2Green Promotional Materials

FlowPhotoChem has joined forces with five other EU-funded projects (Solar2Chem, DECADE, OCEAN, RECODE, SunCoChem) to form the Road2Green cluster. Check out the cluster's promotional materials below!

Press Releases

Project Kickoff, June 2020