Congratulations to our partners at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin in Germany for the most recent FlowPhotoChem research publication. Author/researchers Gumaa A. El-Nagar, Fan Yang, Sasho Stojkovikj, Stefan Mebs, Siddharth Gupta, Ibbi Y. Ahmet, Holger Dau, and Matthew T. Mayer published "Comparative Spectroscopic Study Revealing Why the CO2 Electroreduction Selectivity Switches from CO to HCOO– at Cu–Sn- and Cu–In-Based Catalysts" in the American Chemical Society journal ACS Catalysis on December 5th, 2022.
Citation: ACS Catal. 2022, 12, 24, 15576–15589 DOI:
The Helmholtz Young Investigator Group “Electrochemical Conversion of CO2” targets the development of new electrochemical pathways to upgrade CO2 into high-value products. Their approach combines the synthesis of new materials based on mixed metal alloys, oxides, nitrides, and sulfides with a detailed in situ study of catalytic activity, product selectivity, and electrode surface structures.