Related Projects

The FlowPhotoChem consortium consists of leaders from both academia and industry with a long and successful track record of research and involvement in EU-funded initiatives and research projects. Here are important projects related to FlowPhotoChem research where our partners are involved.


SUNERGY unites and builds on two initiatives funded under Horizon 2020: SUNRISE and ENERGY-X. They were selected by the European Commission to prepare for FET Flagship status, a billion-euro programme which identifies "visionary, science-driven, large-scale research initiatives addressing grand scientific and technological challenges".


SOLAR2CHEM project aims to foster future scientists in physical science. The project focuses on solar-driven chemistry for an ecologically safe energy source since solar chemicals are starting to play continually a greater role project. Despite this and their capability for industrial and civilian use, the European industrial landscape has been lacking in research on solar chemicals. The project will also take into account the environmental footprint in manufacturing, and promote the use of solar chemicals in both the European industry and the private sector. Funded by EU, 15 new early stage career researchers are getting trained in state-of-the-art concepts and techniques with a focus on researching hybrid devices for producing solar chemicals.


PECDEMO – Photoelectrochemical Demonstrator Device for Solar Hydrogen Generation.

Development and assessment of a hybrid photoelectrochemical-photovoltaic (PEC-PV) tandem device for light-driven water splitting featuring an active area of 200 cm2.

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SunCoChem will have an important impact in reduction of the dependence of the European Chemical Industry (ECI) on carbon feedstock by producing a competitive and integrated solution enabling the carbon-netural production of high valuable chemicals from solar energy, H20 and CO2.
SunCoChem will provide a solution based on a competitive tandem photoelectrocatalytic reactor (TPER) to efficiently produce oxo-products from CO2, water and sunlight.

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A-LEAF starts from atomic-scale studies to determine experimentally and theoretically the main parameters for optimization of the chemical transformations at surfaces to combine water and CO2 into oxygen and energy-rich chemicals. This knowledge will be transferred and up-scaled into (photo)electrochemical set-ups to maximize performance. The champion components will be combined into a single photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) device: an artificial leaf. This multidisciplinary and comprehensive project will be executed by young and renowned European researchers from 13 recognized institutions located in 8 European countries, including COVESTRO, a world-wide leading materials company.


LOTER.CO2M aims to develop advanced, low-cost electro-catalysts and membranes for the direct electrochemical reduction of CO2 to methanol by low temperature CO2-H2O co-electrolysis. The materials will be developed using sustainable, non-toxic and non-critical raw materials. They will be scaled-up, integrated into a gas phase electrochemical reactor, and the process validated for technical and economic feasibility under industrially relevant conditions. The produced methanol can be used as a chemical feedstock or for effective chemical storage of renewable energy. The demonstration of the new materials at TRL5 level, and the potential of this technology for market penetration, will be assessed. A significant increase in durability under intermittent operation in combination with renewable power sources is also targeted in the LOTER.CO2M project. The developed low-temperature CO2 conversion reactor will offer fast response (frequency> 2-5 Hz) to electrical current fluctuations typical of intermittent power sources and a wide operating range in termsof input power, i.e. from 10% to full power in less than a second. Such aspects are indicative of an excellent dynamic behaviour as necessary to operate with renewable power sources. A life cycle assessment of the CO2 electrolysis system, which will compile information at different levels from materials up to the CO2 electrolysis system including processing resources, will complete the assessment of this technology for large-scale application. Field testing of the co-electrolysis system in an industrial relevant environment will enable to evaluate the commercial competitiveness and the development of a forward exploitation plan.


GENESIS develops and upscales the most promising material for CO2 capture and demonstrate their performance, durability and reliability in industrially relevant and operational environments. The materials that will be developed and upscaled within the GENESIS project are IPOSS (polyPOSSimide hybrid organic-inorganic) and MOF (Metal-organic framework) membrane systems with great performance for CO2 capture. The membranes have a high gas permselectivity and stability at elevated temperatures and can be produced at a large scale. The nanostructured materials like MOF and POSS can be tailored to obtain suitable membrane selectivity and permeability characteristics.


SEAFUEL aims to demonstrate the feasibility to power local transportation networks using fuels produced by renewable energies and seawater, with no net carbon footprint as promoted by the resource-efficient flagship initiative COM(2010)2020. It covers technical innovations, frameworks for policy implementation and a sustainability analysis of production, distribution and usage of hydrogen as an alternative fuel in remote Atlantic regions. SEAFUEL works toward paving the grounds for common renewable energy policies to promote clean and sustainable transport systems.


CREATE aims to develop innovative Membrane Electrode Assemblies (MEAs) for low-temperature Fuel Cell (FC) and Electrolyzer (EL) at much-reduced cost. This will be achieved via elimination or drastic reduction of Critical Raw Materials in catalysts, enabling cost-efficient solutions to reversibly store electricity in the form of Hydrogen.


FotoH2 will develop a highly efficient tandem photoelectrolysis cell for solar H2 production, based on durable and cost-effective advanced materials and interfaces. Applying the consortium partners’ experience with innovative solar technologies, the main vision of FotoH2 is the prototyping and validation of a mass-deployable solar H2 production technology, in the form of easily integrable flat panels. The input H2O and output H2 are carried by tubing at the two edges of the panels, comprising a self-powered flow- through system which can be simply connected to a water source. The semiconductor tandem architecture is expected to yield higher efficiency and allow more flexible deployment than externally biased architectures The validation of the technology will be done on a 1 m2-scale.

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The NOMAD CoE established important new infrastructures for computational materials science in Europe, including repositories of computed data and code results, new tools for visualisation and interrogation of massive data sets, and exciting demonstrations and applications of in-silico materials modelling. Pintail supported the project management, as well as communications, dissemination and sustainability planning.

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Circular CO₂ Approaches is examining the potential of two complementary approaches to extract CO₂ from the atmosphere and convert it into energy sources using renewable energies. These energy sources can then be used as fuels and raw materials for industry, with the CO₂ occurring in turn released into the atmosphere or separated directly from the exhaust gas. In this way, carbon utilization is implemented in a cycle that supports the transition from fuels and raw materials based on fossil fuels to those that are carbon dioxide-based and use renewable energies as input.

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The DECADE project, funded under the European Commission's Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement ID: 862030, proposes a new photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) approach for the conversion of CO2 avoiding water oxidation as an anodic reaction to overcome the current limits in PEC systems and to maximize effective energy utilization. Novel PEC technology will be developed up to TRL 5 (prototype testing under environmentally relevant conditions) using alcohols and waste CO2 as feed.

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The OCEAN Project aims to develop an integrated process for the production of Oxalic Acid from CO2 using electrochemistry. The project addresses critical elements that are currently hindering new electrochemical processes by targeting high value products that have the corresponding production margin to introduce this technology on the market, lower the power costs by combining oxidation and reduction, and a trans-disciplinary approach that is needed for the introduction of these advanced technologies.


In RECODE: Recycling carbon dioxide in the cement industry to produce added-value additives: a step towards a CO2 circular economy (grant agreement No 768583), CO2 from the flue gases of a rotary kiln in a cement industry (CO2: 25 vol%) will be used for the production of value-added chemicals (acid additives for cement formulations) and materials (CaCO3 nanoparticles to be used as concrete fillers). A circular-economy-approach is enabled: the CO2 produced by cement manufacturing is re-used in a significant part within the plant itself to produce better cement-related products entailing less energy intensity and related CO2 emissions by a Quadratic effect.