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Our latest publication comes from University of Szeged!

2024-11-07T10:11:44+00:00November 6th, 2024|Project News, Publication|

Our partners at the University of Szeged in Hungary published a paper titled Comparative Study of Different Polymeric Binders in Electrochemical CO Reduction in the journal Energy and Fuels on November 5th, 2024. Congratulations to author/researchers Noémi V. Galbicsek, Attila Kormányos, Gergely Ferenc Samu, Mohd M. Ayyub, Tomaž Kotnik, Sebastijan Kovačič, Csaba Janáky and Balázs Endrődi! Download the open access paper here. Citation: Comparative Study of Different Polymeric Binders in Electrochemical CO Reduction, Noémi V. Galbicsek, Attila Kormányos, Gergely Ferenc Samu, Mohd M. Ayyub, Tomaž Kotnik, Sebastijan Kovačič, Csaba Janáky, and Balázs Endrődi, Energy & Fuels DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.4c04058   1155 Sixteenth Street [...]

U of Szeged publishes "Electrochemical carbon monoxide reduction at high current density: Cell configuration matters"

2024-05-08T09:43:49+01:00May 8th, 2024|Project News, Publication, University News|

Partners at the University of Szeged published yet another FlowPhotoChem-acknowledged journal article! The research paper titled, Electrochemical carbon monoxide reduction at high current density: Cell configuration matters, appeared in the Chemical Engineering Journal (Volume 490, 15 June 2024, 151698, DOI: online on April 26, 2024. Author researchers include Mohd Monis Ayyub, Attila Kormányos, Balázs Endrödi, and Csaba Janáky. Congratulations to the team in Hungary. Download the open-access paper here.  

Electrochemistry Society meeting features FlowPhotoChem research

2023-10-18T12:35:55+01:00October 18th, 2023|presentation, Project News|

Several FlowPhotoChem consortia members delivered presentations at the recent Electrochemistry Society 224th  meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden. Professor Balázs Endrődi of University of Szeged: Electroreduction of  Inert Molecules: CO2, CO and N2 on October 10th, 2023 FlowPhotoChem Coordinator Professor Pau Farras, University of Galway: Metal Oxide Nanoparticles for Stable Alkaline Oxygen Evolution Reaction in An Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolyser Cell  on October 11th, 2023 Dr Matthew Mayer of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin: Unintended Cation Crossover in CO2 Conversion MEA Cells: Causes and Effects, October 12th, 2023.     Balázs Endrődi Prof. Pau Farras Dr Matthew Mayer

FlowPhotoChem team members on the move: Knowledge exchange and training

2023-09-08T14:36:11+01:00December 13th, 2021|Project News|

From August 4th through the 6th, 2021, researchers Siddharth Gupta and Dr Gumaa El-Nagar from the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group “Electrochemical Conversion of CO2” at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin travelled to the University of Szeged in Hungary to learn more about the work being done at the group of Profs. Csaba Janaky and Balázs Endrődi. Siddharth comments, "The primary aim of the trip was to understand the operating procedure used by the group in Hungary for the EC reactor developed by them in conjunction with ThalesNano. This was done with the view to overcome reproducibility challenges within the consortium and enable rapid catalyst [...]

PUBLICATION NEWS: Partners at the University of Szeged publish in ACS Energy Letters

2023-09-08T15:01:11+01:00October 7th, 2021|Publication, University News|

The research team consisting of Ádám Vass, Prof. Balázs Endrődi, Gergely Ferenc Samu, Ádám Balog, Attila Kormányos, Serhiy Cherevko, and Prof. Csaba Janáky published "Local Chemical Environment Governs Anode Processes in CO2 Electrolyzers' today, October 7th, 2021. The open-access paper can be read in ACS Energy Letters, ACS Energy Lett. 2021, 6, XXX, 3801–3808. DOI:  Download the PDF here. Congratulations to the whole team! Abstract: A major goal within the CO2 electrolysis community is to replace the generally used Ir anode catalyst with a more abundant material, which is stable and active for water oxidation under process conditions. Ni is widely applied [...]

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