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Janaky Lab at the University of Szeged publish in EES Catalysis

2023-09-08T11:33:40+01:00March 16th, 2023|Project News, Publication, University News|

Congratulations to our partners in the Janaky Lab at the University of Szeged in Hungary. Attila Kormányos, Balázs Endrődia, Zheng Zhanga, Angelika Samua, László Méraia, Gergely F. Samua, László Janováka, and Csaba Janáky published their study titled: Local hydrophobicity allows high-performance electrochemical carbon monoxide reduction to C2+ products in the journal EES Catalysis on March 13th, 2023. The open-access paper can be downloaded here. DOI:

FlowPhotoChem publication from University of Szeged researchers

2023-09-08T14:27:42+01:00January 10th, 2022|Project News, Publication, University News|

'Anode Catalysts in CO2 Electrolysis: Challenges and Untapped Opportunities' was published in ACS Catalysis by the researchers Ádám Vass, Attila Kormányos, Zsófia Kószó, Balázs Endrődi, and Csaba Janáky (ACS Catalysis 0, 12, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.1c04978) on January 3rd, 2022. Congratulations to the entire team of researchers and our partners at the University of Szeged! Abstract: The field of electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction has developed rapidly during recent years. At the same time, the role of the anodic half-reaction has received considerably less attention. In this Perspective, we scrutinize the reports on the best-performing CO2 electrolyzer cells from the past 5 years, to shed light on [...]

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