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FlowPhotoChem December 2023 Newsletter published

2023-12-13T09:58:16+00:00December 13th, 2023|Project News, public dissemination|

Catch up on all of the project news in our latest newsletter here. We re-cap the FlowPhotoChem outputs since June 2023 with publications, conferences and public events and dive deep into the sustainability analysis of our work. Sign up here to join our mailing list. We assemble and send one twice per year. Thanks to all contributors, particularly Dr Susana Leão of the Leitat Technological Center.

“This is the ultimate technology for eternity since it is 100 per cent green and recyclable,” says Dr Justus Masa

2023-09-08T12:58:23+01:00January 12th, 2023|PI Spotlight, Project News, public dissemination|

FlowPhotoChem was cited as an example of research developing “the ultimate technology for eternity since it is 100 per cent green and recyclable,” according to our PI Dr Justus Masa, based at Kyambogo University in Kampala, Uganda. Dr Masa was interviewed on January 9th, 2023 by Deep Earth after a run of speaking engagements dedicated to energy reform late in 2022. Justus makes a case for more government support for new technologies at the local level and greater opportunities for participation in research and education. Read the entire interview here. Deep Earth International critically examines developments in the extractive and energy [...]

November 2022 newsletter published

2023-09-08T13:04:12+01:00November 30th, 2022|Project News, public dissemination|

Catch up on all of the FlowPhotoChem project updates in our November newsletter! Click here to read it online, or download the PDF here. Please consider sharing it with your networks both internally and on social media. Thank you! Subscribe to receive future issues here.

FlowPhotoChem newsletter #3 is out now!

2023-09-08T14:29:15+01:00December 16th, 2021|Project News, public dissemination|

Read the latest re-cap of our goings-on in the FlowPhotoChem December 2021 newsletter here. Results are starting to roll in. Find out which partners went where on knowledge-exchange visits, learn about our EU Green Week collaborators, follow links to the latest open-access FlowPhotoChem publications, and more! You haven't subscribed? What are you waiting for? Sign up here!

Announcing our explainer video!

2023-09-12T12:20:54+01:00March 15th, 2021|Project News|

Today, March 15th, 2021, we launch our 2.5-minute FlowPhotoChem explainer animation. How will you use it? Watch it here!  

Enterprise Ireland publishes FlowPhotoChem as a case study

2023-09-13T12:42:02+01:00March 9th, 2021|Project News|

On March 1st, 2021, Enterprise Ireland (, the Irish government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets published a case study of FlowPhotoChem as one in their list of Expert Insights. The feature exemplifies how Enterprise Ireland Coordinator Grant funding supported the development of the Horizon 2020 FlowPhotoChem proposal. “It’s true that there is a lot of work involved in putting together projects like this,” admits Dr Farràs. “But my advice would be to use the help that’s available. The support from Enterprise Ireland is fantastic. For both the FlowPhotoChem and the Solar2Chem projects, I [...]

Introducing Siddharth Gupta, PhD candidate at HZB

2023-09-13T12:44:45+01:00January 12th, 2021|Project News, University News|

In our latest vlog, we introduce Siddharth Gupta who is working on a FlowPhotoChem PhD project within the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group's Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 lab at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin. His project supervisor is Dr Matthew Mayer. On Twitter, follow Siddharth at and the HZB Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 group at  

Federico Dattila presents FlowPhotoChem research to young people in Catalonia

2023-09-13T12:46:50+01:00December 7th, 2020|Project News|

PhD candidate Federico Dattila of the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) was involved in two recent outreach activities on the 14th and the 27th of November in Tarragona, Spain. On the 14th, Federico was a facilitator in a "Mad for chemistry" ICIQ event funded by Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera ( His presentation: "How to stop global warming?" for #BojosPerLaQuimica series of online talks. There were approximately twenty attendees. As part of the European Researchers' Night 2020, Federico gave an online talk for a secondary school in Catalonia entitled: “Diòxid de carboni, electró i protó: un triangle amorós contra el [...]

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