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Dr Ranga Rohit Seemakurthi presents at research at Multiscale modeling of electrochemical processes workshop

2024-09-09T11:31:42+01:00September 9th, 2024|presentation, Project News|

Ranga Rohit Seemakurthi On August 14th, 2024, Dr Ranga Rohit Seemakurthi of the ICIQ presented "Microenvironment effects from first-principles multiscale modelling of electrochemical CO2 reduction” at the Multiscale Modeling of Electrochemical Processes workshop. The meeting was held in the Lorentz Center in Oort, Leiden, Netherlands, on August 14th, 2024. Approximately 40 researchers were in attendance. The workshop assembled computational and experimental researchers with diverse backgrounds, from atomistic modeling to the meso-scale of the electrochemical system.        

ITQ and ICIQ collaborative publication: Co-doped hydroxyapatite as photothermal catalyst for selective CO2 hydrogenation

2023-09-08T11:17:29+01:00May 9th, 2023|Project News, Publication|

Congratulations to author-researchers at ITQ and ICIQ, Yong Peng, Horatiu Szalad, Pavle Nikacevic, Giulio Gorni, Sara Goberna, Laura Simonelli, Josep Albero, Nuria Lopez and Hermenegildo Garcia for their collaborative work on the study titled: Co-doped hydroxyapatite as photothermal catalyst for selective CO2 hydrogenation. Graphic abstract The paper will be published in Volume 333 in Applied Catalysis B: Environmental on September 15th, 2023. DOI:

Research update from Dr Federico Dattila, ICIQ

2023-09-13T11:52:39+01:00July 5th, 2022|presentation, Project News, public dissemination|

The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ)'s Federico Dattila created a video to share an update from their group. Here, Dr Dattila describes the results generated by ICIQ during the first 18 months of FlowPhotoChem. Federico works on the electrochemical reactor, identifying novel electrocatalysts by first principles simulations. You can view Federico's introductory video here.

FlowPhotoChem joint-partner publication in Advanced Energy Materials

2023-09-08T14:19:26+01:00February 28th, 2022|Project News, Publication|

Congratulations to all authors at HZB and ICIQ: Laura C. Pardo Pérez, Alexander Arndt, Sasho Stojkovikj, Ibbi Y. Ahmet, Joshua T. Arens, Federico Dattila, Robert Wendt, Ana Guilherme Buzanich, Martin Radtke, Veronica Davies, Katja Höflich, Eike Köhnen, Philipp Tockhorn, Ronny Golnak, Jie Xiao, Götz Schuck, Markus Wollgarten, Núria López, and Matthew T. Mayer. "Determining Structure-Activity Relationships in Oxide Derived CuSn Catalysts During CO2 Electroreduction Using X-Ray Spectroscopy" was published in Advanced Energy Materials on December 24, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202103328.  

FlowPhotoChem team members on the move: Knowledge exchange and training

2023-09-08T14:36:11+01:00December 13th, 2021|Project News|

From August 4th through the 6th, 2021, researchers Siddharth Gupta and Dr Gumaa El-Nagar from the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group “Electrochemical Conversion of CO2” at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin travelled to the University of Szeged in Hungary to learn more about the work being done at the group of Profs. Csaba Janaky and Balázs Endrődi. Siddharth comments, "The primary aim of the trip was to understand the operating procedure used by the group in Hungary for the EC reactor developed by them in conjunction with ThalesNano. This was done with the view to overcome reproducibility challenges within the consortium and enable rapid catalyst [...]

ICIQ FlowPhotoChem poster wins prize at International Conference on Frontiers in Electrocatalytic Transformations meeting

2023-09-08T14:41:47+01:00December 2nd, 2021|presentation, Project News|

Dr Federico Dattila Dr Federico Dattila of the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) presented a poster at the International Conference on Frontiers in Electrocatalytic Transformations that took place on November 22nd and 23rd at the Adeit Fundación Universidad Empresa de València in Spain. The poster title was titled “Modeling the Electrochemical Interface with Cations and Electric Field” and it won the runner-up prize. Congratulations to the team! Also at this conference, FlowPhotoChem PIs Dr Matthew Mayer of the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group “Electrochemical Conversion of CO2” was an invited speaker, and Prof. Nuria Lopez of ICIQ was one [...]

Dr Federico Dattila on European Researchers' Night 2021 and public outreach

2023-09-08T15:04:25+01:00September 30th, 2021|Project News, public dissemination|

This September, Dr Federico Dattila based at the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) has been making the rounds presenting FlowPhotoChem research to various public audiences in an array of interesting fora. His public talk entitled “Diòxid de carboni, l'or negre del segle XXI” was attended by thirty people as part of the European Researchers’ Night (Nit Europea de la Recerca a Tarragona) on September 17th at the Cal Massó, Reus, Tarragona, Spain. Watch Federico's talk on YouTube here:  Also, Federico also facilitated a workshop for children this month, also part of the European Researchers' Night. The “Fruites i [...]

ICIQ's Federico Dattila discusses his FlowPhotoChem research on RÀDIO CAMBRILS

2023-09-12T12:09:56+01:00May 11th, 2021|Project News, public dissemination|

On May 5th, 2021, Dr Federico Dattila, post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) in the group of Professor Núria López, took to the airwaves to discuss his research and work on the FlowPhotoChem project for the radio programme 'Ones de Ciència' on Radio Cambrils. Ones de Ciència is a bi-monthly radio podcast highlighting the stories of researchers who work in Camp de Tarragona (Catalonia), with special sections dedicated to female researchers, science and society. Organized and presented by Lydia Gil, Maria Ferrer, and Núria Ruiz, Ones de Ciència started in September 2019 on the initiative [...]

Spotlight on PI Prof. Núria López of the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia

2023-09-12T12:18:23+01:00March 30th, 2021|PI Spotlight, Project News|

Prof. Núria López This month, we shine a spotlight on the work and accomplishments of Prof. Núria López of the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), a non-profit research organisation, focused on catalysis and renewable energy. ICIQ contributes to strengthening the competitiveness of the chemical industry in Southern Europe through innovation and technical improvements. Please tell us a bit about your career path and your research within the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia. I graduated with a degree in Chemistry and earned my PhD in Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Barcelona, Spain (1995). As a postdoctoral [...]

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