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Sustainability analysis from a life cycle perspective: the environmental, social and economic impacts of solar chemicals

2023-12-18T08:55:24+00:00December 1st, 2023|Uncategorized|

FlowPhotoChem (FPC) is an EU-funded research project that aims to design, develop, and translate to market new materials (photoabsorbers, catalysts, membranes) and flow reactors which can use solar energy and CO2 to produce non-fossil chemical feedstock and high-value chemicals, such as hydrogen (H2) and ethylene (C2H4), through more efficient management of sunlight, more efficient reactors, and longer-lasting catalysts. The FPC system combines three types of flow reactor modules, namely Photoelectrochemical (PEC), Photocatalytic (PC), and Electrocatalytic (EC), producing mainly H2, CO and C2H4, respectively, focusing on efficiency, scalability, and sustainability to minimise resources use and waste generation and meet the increasing demand [...]

Dr Núria Portolés Gil of LEITAT presents FPC research at EuroMOF 2023 conference

2023-09-27T09:42:00+01:00September 27th, 2023|presentation, Project News|

The 5th European Conference on Metal Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers conference, known as EuroMOF2023 provided an opportunity for LEITAT researchers to present their work within FlowPhotoChem to an audience from both academia and industry. A poster titled "Novel Photocatalysts for Water Splitting Hydrogen Evolution Reaction based on Metal-Organic Frameworks" based on FPC partners at LEITAT Technological Center was presented by Dr Portolés Gil. EuroMOF 2023 was held in Granada, Spain this year, and ran from September 24th- 27th, 2023.

PI Interview: Dr Susana Leão, Leitat Technological Center

2023-09-08T13:26:41+01:00September 8th, 2022|PI Spotlight, Project News|

Dr Susana Leão FlowPhotoChem PI Dr Susana Leão is based in the Sustainability Unit of Leitat Technological Center. Founded in 1906, Leitat is one of the reference entities at state and European level in technology management. It has a team of more than 500 professionals, experts in applied research, technical services and management of technological and innovation initiatives. Leitat provides social, industrial, economic and sustainable value, offering comprehensive solutions in multiple sectors and areas: development of new materials, eco-sustainable production, occupational health prevention systems, revaluation of waste and use of natural resources, interconnectivity and digitization of industry, green energy and [...]

Dr Susana Leão, Leitat presents FlowPhotoChem poster at International Conference on Life Cycle Management

2023-09-08T15:13:17+01:00August 9th, 2021|Project News|

Dr Susana Leão A poster entitled "Using sunlight for high-value chemicals production: sustainability analysis of FlowPhotoChem System' will be presented virtually by Dr Susana Leão of the Leitat Technological Center at the 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Management LCM 2021. This four-day meeting is taking place from the 5th through the 8th of September 2021. Register here.  The LCM (Life Cycle Management) conference series is one of the world’s leading environmental, economic, and social sustainability forums. The focus is on practical solutions for the implementation of life cycle approaches into strategic and operational decision-making, whether in science, industry, NGOs [...]

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