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Matthew Mayer, HZB presents FPC research at EcatalytiX symposium

2024-05-20T16:44:53+01:00April 20th, 2024|PI Spotlight, presentation, Project News, public dissemination|

Dr Matthew Mayer During the 2024 EcatalytiX Symposium, Dr Matthew Mayer of the Helmhotz-Zentrum Berlin delivered a talk titled- An operando zero-gap MEA cell for combined spectroscopy, diffraction, and imaging, applied to the study of ion effects in CO2 electrolysis on April 5th. The EcatalytiX symposium in Strasbourg, France aimed to examine the current and future techniques, based on X-rays or electron beams, to observe these reactions under conditions as close as possible to operation. This symposium served as an opportunity to meet beamline scientists, microscopists and electrochemists alike, discovering state-of-the-art operando approaches and how the future of the [...]

HZB hosts FlowPhotoChem plenary meeting in Berlin!

2023-11-27T14:47:55+00:00November 27th, 2023|Project News|

Twenty-four FlowPhotoChem team members gathered in Berlin/Postdam on 23 and 24 November 2023 for a productive meeting hosted by partner Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, HZB. Others joined remotely. Updates were presented for each of the PEC, PC and EC reactors, outlining recent progress, as we move ever closer to final integration. Plans were made for efficiency optimisation and experimental campaigns in the months ahead. Our work on sustainability analysis from a life cycle perspective is advancing well. We continue to disseminate our results to our target audience and plan for the future exploitation of our FPC innovations.  To cap off the meeting, a [...]

Electrochemistry Society meeting features FlowPhotoChem research

2023-10-18T12:35:55+01:00October 18th, 2023|presentation, Project News|

Several FlowPhotoChem consortia members delivered presentations at the recent Electrochemistry Society 224th  meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden. Professor Balázs Endrődi of University of Szeged: Electroreduction of  Inert Molecules: CO2, CO and N2 on October 10th, 2023 FlowPhotoChem Coordinator Professor Pau Farras, University of Galway: Metal Oxide Nanoparticles for Stable Alkaline Oxygen Evolution Reaction in An Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolyser Cell  on October 11th, 2023 Dr Matthew Mayer of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin: Unintended Cation Crossover in CO2 Conversion MEA Cells: Causes and Effects, October 12th, 2023.     Balázs Endrődi Prof. Pau Farras Dr Matthew Mayer

Dr Matt Mayer prepared lay summary of HZB's latest Nature Communications paper

2023-09-08T11:05:55+01:00May 22nd, 2023|Project News, public dissemination, Publication|

Dr Matthew Mayer Special thanks to Dr Matthew Mayer of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) for penning a lay summary of his group's recent open-access publication titled: Unintended cation crossover influences CO2 reduction selectivity in Cu-based zero-gap electrolysers. The paper appeared in Nature Communications on April 12th, 2023. Download the lay summary here. Citation of the original paper: El-Nagar, G.A., Haun, F., Gupta, S. et al. Unintended cation crossover influences CO2 reduction selectivity in Cu-based zero-gap electrolysers. Nat Commun 14, 2062 (2023). FlowPhotoChem researchers are creating lay summaries of their breakthrough publications to inform interested non-specialists of our research.

Partners at HZB publish "Unintended cation crossover influences CO2 reduction selectivity in Cu-based zero-gap electrolysers" in Nature Communications

2023-09-08T11:19:25+01:00April 13th, 2023|Project News, Publication|

Congratulations to our partners at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) for their recent study published in Nature Communications! Gumaa A. El-Nagar, Flora Haun, Siddharth Gupta, Sasho Stojkovikj, Professor Matthew T. Mayer in the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group “Electrochemical Conversion of CO2” saw their paper titled  "Unintended cation crossover influences CO2 reduction selectivity in Cu-based zero-gap electrolysers" published on April 12th, 2023. Within FlowPhotoChem, the HZB partners target the development of new electrochemical pathways to upgrade CO2 to high-value products. Their approach combines the synthesis of new materials based on mixed metal alloys, oxides, nitrides, and sulfides with a detailed in situ study of catalytic activity, product [...]

New publication from our team at HZB!

2023-09-08T13:00:09+01:00December 20th, 2022|Project News, Publication|

Congratulations to our partners at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin in Germany for the most recent FlowPhotoChem research publication. Author/researchers Gumaa A. El-Nagar, Fan Yang, Sasho Stojkovikj, Stefan Mebs, Siddharth Gupta, Ibbi Y. Ahmet, Holger Dau, and Matthew T. Mayer published  "Comparative Spectroscopic Study Revealing Why the CO2 Electroreduction Selectivity Switches from CO to HCOO– at Cu–Sn- and Cu–In-Based Catalysts" in the American Chemical Society journal ACS Catalysis on December 5th, 2022. Citation: ACS Catal. 2022, 12, 24, 15576–15589 DOI: The Helmholtz Young Investigator Group “Electrochemical Conversion of CO2” targets the development of new electrochemical pathways to upgrade CO2 into high-value products. Their approach combines the synthesis of new materials based on mixed metal [...]

FlowPhotoChem study by HZB wins award at Electrochemistry 2022 meeting in Berlin

2023-09-08T13:23:04+01:00October 3rd, 2022|presentation, Project News|

Congratulations to Gumaa El-Nagar, Flora Haun, Siddharth Gupta, Sasho Stojkovijk and Matthew T. Mayer of the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin for the award of first prize at the GDCh Electrochemistry 2022 meeting held in Berlin on September 27th- 30th. The prize was awarded for Gumaa's presentation of the study titled: Effects of cation Crossover through Anion Exchange Membranes on the Operation of Zero-gap CO2 electrolysers. The preprint of this study on the impact of unintended cation crossover on CO2RR is now available on 'Electrochemistry' is a successful series of conferences, held every other year. Starting in Gießen (2008), followed by Bochum [...]

Our PIs present at the 2022 Renewable Energy Solar Fuels conference

2023-09-08T13:59:30+01:00May 26th, 2022|PI Spotlight, presentation, Project News|

The Gordon Research Conference, 2022 Renewable Energy: Solar Fuels Conference GRC took place from May 8th through the 13th, 2022 in Lucca, Italy. On May 11th, FlowPhotoChem PI Professor Csaba Janaky (left) of the University of Szeged, Hungary gave a talk entitled "Electrolyzer Development and Process Optimization: Paving the Road for Industrial Carbon-dioxide Electroreduction." Dr Matt Mayer, (right) HZB presented FlowPhotoChem research in a poster presentation titled: CO2 and CO Electrolysis in gas diffusion electrolysers: Overcoming operational challenges and developing operando methods. The poster provided an overview of what the team is working on in Work Package 3.   The 2022 [...]

PI Interview with Dr Matthew Mayer, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin

2023-09-08T14:17:10+01:00February 28th, 2022|PI Spotlight, Project News, public dissemination|

Dr Matthew Mayer After our recent face-to-face meeting in Dublin, Danielle Nicholson at Pintail Limited posed a set of questions to PI Dr Matthew Mayer, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. Dr Mayer is an expert on photoelectrochemical and electrocatalytic water splitting and CO2 reduction, nanomaterials synthesis, and photovoltaics. Enjoy! How and when did you first become interested in chemistry?  I started my undergraduate studies (in Boise, Idaho, USA) with the goal of becoming a pharmacist. But when I took the course Organic Chemistry, something changed for me. That course makes you draw lots of molecules, thinking about their physical structure and how [...]

FlowPhotoChem joint-partner publication in Advanced Energy Materials

2023-09-08T14:19:26+01:00February 28th, 2022|Project News, Publication|

Congratulations to all authors at HZB and ICIQ: Laura C. Pardo Pérez, Alexander Arndt, Sasho Stojkovikj, Ibbi Y. Ahmet, Joshua T. Arens, Federico Dattila, Robert Wendt, Ana Guilherme Buzanich, Martin Radtke, Veronica Davies, Katja Höflich, Eike Köhnen, Philipp Tockhorn, Ronny Golnak, Jie Xiao, Götz Schuck, Markus Wollgarten, Núria López, and Matthew T. Mayer. "Determining Structure-Activity Relationships in Oxide Derived CuSn Catalysts During CO2 Electroreduction Using X-Ray Spectroscopy" was published in Advanced Energy Materials on December 24, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202103328.  

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