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FlowPhotoChem meets at EPFL to share progress and plans

2023-09-08T11:04:00+01:00May 31st, 2023|Project News, University News|

The FlowPhotoChem team attended a project-wide plenary meeting in Lausanne on the 25th and 26th of May, 2023. Members of our Scientific and Exploitation Advisory Boards joined us to question and guide us further with our research. Special thanks to Dr Huyen Dinh, Dr Stafford Sheehan and Marc Lavine. We had a productive meeting as we enter an exciting phase of the project with our modular reactors starting to generate results and systems integration advancing. We were treated to an engaging tour of the labs and installations at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne (EPFL). Many thanks to Professor Sophia Haussener [...]

June 2022 Plenary Meeting in Szeged, Hungary

2023-09-08T13:34:19+01:00July 6th, 2022|Project News|

The FlowPhotoChem team met for our second face-to-face meeting in Szeged, Hungary. Partners gave updates on their work developing the photoelectrochemical, electrochemical and photocatalytic flow reactors, which will be combined into an integrated demonstrator reactor for the production of ethylene. We also continued our life cycle analysis work and planned for our Exploitation Workshop in Uganda in November 2022. The meeting also included a lab tour so we could see the reactors being developed by our Szeged-based partners in real life! Many thanks to our hosts at the University of Szeged!

At last, our plenary meeting is in person!

2023-09-08T14:39:08+01:00December 6th, 2021|Project News|

The FlowPhotoChem team assembled for a hybrid meeting on November 25th and 26th, 2021 in Dublin. Partners reported on progress in each Work Package over recent months, and COVID-19 related delays. Partners had an opportunity to update the consortium on recent results and discuss plans for the next phase of the programme. The meeting was hosted by the National University of Ireland Galway. The partners were grateful for the warm hospitality and the opportunity to have productive, face-to-face discussions over dinner and during the breaks.

FlowPhotoChem started 1 June 2020

2023-09-14T15:31:29+01:00June 18th, 2020|Project News|

After a slight COVID-related delay, we are delighted to say that the FlowPhotoChem project started on 1 June 2020. Our kick-off meeting was held 16 - 17 June 2020 (virtual, in these unusual times!). We're excited to be working together on this exciting and important project!

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