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FlowPhotoChem researchers present results at EuChemS Chemistry Congress, Dublin

2024-07-12T10:09:34+01:00July 12th, 2024|presentation, Project News, public dissemination|

University of Galway researchers attended and presented FlowPhotoChem results at the 9th EuChemS chemistry conference in Dublin from the 7th to the 11th of July, 2024. Dr Wenming Tong gave a talk titled "Fabrication and Characterization of Cu Ion incorporated α-FeOOH/α-Fe2O3 Heterostructures" on July 8th. On July 11th, PhD candidate Hanka Besic delivered an oral presentation titled "Control over the Morphologies and the Chemical Compositions of Co3O4 for the Acidic Oxygen Evolution Reaction." Approximately 50 people attended each talk and a Q & A session followed each talk. University of Galway Master student, Danica Skoric presented a poster, "Visible light photodegradation [...]

Dr Wenming Tong, U of Galway and Prof. Haussener, EPFL present at SunCoChem Summer School

2024-07-10T11:45:58+01:00June 24th, 2024|presentation, Project News, public dissemination|

Dr Wenming Tong Prof. Sophia Haussener At the 4th Co2oling The Earth Summer School organised by the EU-funded research project SunCoChem under the title “Innovative hybrid technologies for CO2 conversion into added-value commercial products", University of Galway's Dr Wenming Tong will present results in a session titled "FlowPhotoChem: demonstration of a modular integrated system of reactors for solar ethylene production." In addition, Sophia Haussener, Associate Professor, EPFL will deliver a talk titled "Modelling approaches for electrochemical CO2 conversion." The online Summer School aims to present several sustainable chemistry approaches and innovations and discover techniques and methods to scale-up chemical solutions and [...]

Latest FPC publication comes from colleagues at University of Galway

2023-09-08T10:58:16+01:00July 13th, 2023|Project News, Publication, University News|

Our partners at the University of Galway have announced their study titled "Exploring the role of different morphologies of β-Ni(OH)2 for electrocatalytic urea oxidation and the effects of electrochemically active surface area was published in Results in Chemistry on July 5th, 2023. Congratulations to all authors/researchers Maryam Toufani, Hanka Besic, Wenming Tong and FlowPhotoChem Coordinator Pau Farràs. DOI: Download the PDF here.  

NUI Galway team presents FlowPhotoChem research at MSI/SMS Symposium

2023-09-08T14:10:03+01:00April 30th, 2022|presentation, Project News, University News|

Posters titled: "Control over the Morphologies and the Chemical Compositions of Co3O4 and Ca1-xCuxWO4" and "Control over the Morphology and Phase Composition of α-FeOOH/α-Fe2O3 by Cu2+ Doping" were presented by NUI Galway PhD candidate Hanka Besic and Dr Wenming (Simon) Tong, respectively at the recent Microscopy Society of Ireland's MSI/SMS Joint Symposium. The MSI/SMS Symposium took place in person at the Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill, Co. Galway from April 6th-8th, 2022. The MSI Annual Symposium ( is a great opportunity for established researchers and students to hear presentations on the state of the art techniques and new developments in microscopy by leading [...]

Meet the Team: Dr Wenming (Simon) Tong of NUI Galway

2023-09-08T15:08:44+01:00August 26th, 2021|Project News|

Dr Simon Tong, NUI Galway In the absence of face-to-face meetings, Danielle Nicholson, Pintail Limited pitched a few questions to Dr Wenming (Simon) Tong, NUI Galway-based Deputy Project Coordinator of FlowPhotoChem. We hope to introduce several on our research team in this way over the coming months. Enjoy! Tell us about your background- what and where did you study as an undergraduate? Graduate School? I finished my Bachelor degree course in Applied Chemistry and Master degree course in Chemistry all at Inner Mongolia University, China. I then went on to pursue my PhD research in Chemistry at Monash University, Australia.  How did [...]

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