The German Aerospace Center (DLR) has been working on the utilisation of concentrated solar energy for power production, solar chemistry, and solar materials research for more than 20 years. Its Institute of Future Fuels and Institute of Solar Research develop solar concentrators, reactors as well as processes for solar fuels production and scale up solar technologies and processes from laboratory scale to demonstration scale. Various high-performance test platforms, e. g. the High-Flux Solar Simulator in Cologne, are available for extensive field testing and experimental assessment of solar thermochemical or photo(electro)chemical systems.

Dr. Michael WULLENKORD has a depth of experience in solar generation of hydrogen by thermal and photo(electro)chemical processes. His main fields of activity are construction, development, simulation, and testing of solar reactors and solar concentrator devices.

David Brust is a PhD student under the supervision of Dr Michael Wullenkord at DLR’s Institute of Future Fuels. Meet David and learn about his research in his short video.

Marcel Kloft is an engineer and has experience in the areas of product development and measurement technology. His expertise extends to the planning, design, and optimisation of complex experimental setups used for scientific applications.