The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) is a non-profit research organisation, focused on catalysis and renewable energy. ICIQ contributes to strengthening the competitiveness of the chemical industry in Southern Europe through innovation and technical improvement. The ICIQ group in FlowPhotoChem is primarily pursuing research in the modelling of (photo-electro)-catalysis.

Prof. Núria López photograph

Prof. Núria López leads a research team studying catalytic phenomena by theoretical means employing DFT coupled to micro-kinetic models and other methods to study complex reaction networks taking place on metals, oxides, single atoms and any catalyst.

Dr. Manuel Ortuño photograph

Dr. Rodrigo García Muelas is Group Scientific Coordinator. He conducts atomic-scale and microkinetic modelling, simulations applying density functional theory, as well as electronic structure calculations by using periodic ab initio codes.

Dr. Manuel Ortuño photograph

Dr Ranga Rohit Seemakurthi is a postdoctoral fellow in the Nuria Lopez group. His work is mainly focused on studying catalyst/electrolyte interfaces using ab-initio tools and microkinetic modelling for electrochemical CO2 reduction.