Johnson Matthey is a speciality chemicals company and a global leader in environmental and sustainable technologies. JM applies cutting edge science, creating solutions with our customers that make a real difference to the world around us. JM's principal activities include catalysts and technologies for chemical processes, fine chemicals and active pharmaceutical ingredients, and the supply of catalysts and components for fuel cells and for Li-ion batteries.

Dr. Gareth WILLIAMS is a senior process engineer at Johnson Matthey’s Technology Centre (UK). He is a member of the Electrochemical Transformations research team providing chemical engineering support to identifying and evaluating the feasibility of novel electrochemical processes. He has a background in syngas catalytic technologies and flowsheets and also low carbon technologies from leading JM research in the areas of e.g. chemical looping.

Dr. Peter ELLIS is an expert in in catalyst synthesis and characterisation, in particular for the Fischer Tropsch synthesis. He leads a team looking at electrochemistry applications including catalysts for electrolysers, the use of electrolysis in chemical processes and electrochemical synthesis of organic and inorganic chemicals.

Dr Urša Podbevšek works as a researcher at Johnson Matthey’s Technology Centre. She has a background in electrocatalysis, materials synthesis and characterization.