Leitat is a private technical institute with more than 110 years of experience in industrial innovation processes. We transform technological and scientific results into economic and competitive value for our clients and collaborating entities. Over 1500 customers benefit from our talent, creativity and strong commitment. We bring knowledge and innovation to our customers through applied research and technical testing in the fields of chemistry, energy, environment, materials, engineering and life sciences. We rely upon our 330 highly skilled team members who deliver flexible solutions to face any industrial challenge.
The Applied Chemistry and Materials Business Unit in LEITAT has wide experience in research and development in surface technologies, interfacial chemistry, synthesis and functional materials and processing. LEITAT has a strong competence in the field of Nanomaterials and Materials Chemistry. The main activities in these fields are the synthesis, surface functionalization, characterization and evaluation of inorganic nanostructurated materials for different applications.
The sustainability division is specialized in eco-design and life cycle assessments of materials and products, and sustainable manufacturing through green and circular approaches. Moreover, the group actively promotes environmental responsibility through trainings, awareness campaigns and eco-labelling.

Dr. Diego MORILLO is a specialist in the development of novel nanostructurates materials (nanofibers, membranes, metal/metal oxide nanoparticles or Metal-Organic Frameworks) with enhanced selectivity and activity for environmental applications and catalyitic processes.

Dr. Carles AYATS is an expert in organic transformations in batch and flow chemistry and their implementation in industry.

Marta ESCAMILLA is an expert in life cycle assessment , notably sustainable development, energy efficiency, rational natural resources consumption, and waste management.

Dr. Susana LEÃO has a scientific career centred around sustainability and environmental assessment, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, water and carbon footprints, eco-design and circular economy.

Adam Dicken is a Chartered Chemical Engineer with expertise in energy storage, energy policy, sustainability and project management.