Kyambogo University PI Justus Masa will present FlowPhotoChem at the upcoming Chem Discussion 2023 online meeting hosted by the Uganda Society of Professional Chemists. Dr Justus Masa’s core research focuses on electrocatalysis and energy conversion, especially the rational design of advanced low-cost catalysts and electrode materials for electrochemical energy systems.

This insightful webinar titled "Synthesis and Characterisation of iron-nitrogen co-doped catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in fuel cells" will occur on October 14th, 8:00 PM EAT (6 PM in Dublin). Here, Mr. Olado Simon Peter and Dr Justus Masa will discuss iron-nitrogen co-doped catalysts for fuel cells.

Or dial: (UG) +256 41 4238009 PIN: 145 193 004 6645

Learn more about Kymabogo University's role in FlowPhotoChem in our 2020 interview with Dr Masa here.