PhD candidate Federico Dattila of the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) was involved in two recent outreach activities on the 14th and the 27th of November in Tarragona, Spain.

On the 14th, Federico was a facilitator in a "Mad for chemistry" ICIQ event funded by Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera ( His presentation: "How to stop global warming?" for #BojosPerLaQuimica series of online talks. There were approximately twenty attendees.

As part of the European Researchers' Night 2020, Federico gave an online talk for a secondary school in Catalonia entitled: “Diòxid de carboni, electró i protó: un triangle amorós contra el canvi climàtic!”, CO2, electron and proton: a love triangle against climate change! See the entire programme here: Around twenty students took part.

The European Researchers' Night, funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, is a Europe-wide public event that brings researchers closer to the public. The European Researchers’ Night showcases the diversity of science and its impact on citizens’ daily lives, stimulating interest in research careers – particularly among young people. In 2019, it attracted 1.6 million visitors across more than 400 cities in Europe and beyond.

Finally, we wish Federico our best wishes with the defence of his thesis later this week, December 9, 2020.