Dr Wenming Tong

Prof. Sophia Haussener
At the 4th Co2oling The Earth Summer School organised by the EU-funded research project SunCoChem under the title “Innovative hybrid technologies for CO2 conversion into added-value commercial products", University of Galway's Dr Wenming Tong will present results in a session titled "FlowPhotoChem: demonstration of a modular integrated system of reactors for solar ethylene production." In addition, Sophia Haussener, Associate Professor, EPFL will deliver a talk titled "Modelling approaches for electrochemical CO2 conversion."
The online Summer School aims to present several sustainable chemistry approaches and innovations and discover techniques and methods to scale-up chemical solutions and technologies.
During the July 9th and 10th, 2024 free event, attendees will discover the latest achievements of various EU-funded sustainable chemistry projects, sessions on modelling and machine learning for electrochemical CO2 conversion and presentations from PhD students researching related topics.
Register and find more information here.