Dr Jelena Stojadinovic

On July 3rd, 2020 as part of the National University of Ireland Galway's “NUI Galway Chemistry Seminar Series”, MEMBRASENZ Founder and CEO Dr Jelena Stojadinovic was an invited lecturer. In her presentation entitled "Membranes in Electrochemical Cells", Jelena described the  FlowPhotoChem project and acknowledged the EU Horizon 2020 funding. 

Then, Jelena facilitated a talk at the FACE @RUB event, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. In her talk without slides at this 16th of November 2020 event, Jelena spoke about the FlowPhotoChem project.

At the"Collaboration in B2B value networks – use of laboratory experience for transfer to practice partners" seminar on December 9th, 2020, in cooperation with the incubator Start4Chem, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. Jelena presented the FlowPhotoChem project.

In 2021, Jelena presented FlowPhotoChem during two entrepreneurship lectures to Early Stage Researchers as part of the Solar2Chem ITN webinar series. The talk on May 4th was titled "Create your business model, is the company viable?" and on May 5th, "Identify market segments and generate demand." Solar2Chem is one of FlowPhotoChem's 'Related Projects.'

Within FlowPhotoChem, the activities of MEMBRASENZ are R&D, production and commercialization of composite advanced materials (membranes) used in electrolysis for hydrogen production and other energy conversion systems.